Saturday, 15 September 2012

How to convert .camrec file to avi, wmv,mov, etc.

Camtasia Studio is one of the nice tools to build your video tutorials by allowing you to capture screen and editing videos in nice & easy customize manner. It normally allows you to store your tutorial either in avi or .camrec format. While building your tutorial, if you want to capture system audio then you must have to choose .camrec store in option. There might be some technical limitation, but it’s the way how it works. 

.camrec format is neither supported by YouTube (incase if you wanna upload your tutorial on YouTube), nor media player have default support to run such format.

Here I would show you “how to convert .camrec file to either avi or few other formats (such as mov, wmv, gif, etc) with the help of few text steps followed by brief video.

  1. Execute Camtasia Studio and import the required project.
  2. Drag the media to time line, adjust it if required, and click Ok.
  3. Click on “Produce and Share” menu, Pop up window will open.
  4. Select “Custom Production Setting” from drop down menu and select next.
  5. Choose the required media format, and then click next four times.
  6. Type “Production Name” and Click on finish.
  7. That’s all you need to get your required file format and execute it smoothly where you wish.

By Observer,,,

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